What is VVS Moissanite

What is VVS Moissanite? An Essential 2024 Guide!

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Ever been swept away by the shine of a gem so brilliant, it feels like stargazing? VVS Moissanite is precisely that gem. Over the years, it has risen from obscurity to become a beloved stone in the jewelry realm, almost akin to diamonds. But what sets it apart? Dive in, and let’s uncover its sparkle.

What is VVS moissanite?

In the realm of gemstones, clarity is a measure of how clear the gem is, devoid of any internal or external flaws, commonly referred to as inclusions and blemishes respectively. VVS stands for “Very, Very Slightly Included.” When moissanite is graded as VVS, it indicates that it has minuscule inclusions, which are difficult for even skilled graders to see under 10x magnification.

VVS moissanite


Clarity is one of the 4Cs to evaluate moissanite, Here is a brief breakdown of the 4Cs:

The 4 Cs of Moissanite

Often, when we think about assessing the value and beauty of a diamond, we refer to the 4 Cs. But what many don’t know is that these criteria also apply to Moissanite. The 4 Cs, namely Carat, Cut, Color, and Clarity, are the pillars that shape the overall appeal and worth of Moissanite.

1. Carat

Carat is the unit used to measure a gemstone’s weight, and by extension, its size. However, it’s worth noting that Moissanite weighs slightly less than diamonds. So, a Moissanite stone of the same size as a diamond will have a lower carat weight. But rest assured, when it comes to dazzling allure, the weight won’t make a difference in the sparkle.

2. Cut

The cut of Moissanite isn’t just about its shape. It’s about how effectively the stone can refract light to produce that irresistible sparkle we all love. An expertly cut Moissanite can often outshine even the most expensive diamonds! Whether it’s the classic round cut or the more unique marquise, the cut can elevate the beauty of Moissanite to staggering heights.

3. Color

Moissanite’s color spectrum can range from clear to a yellow or green hue. The clearer the stone, the more valuable it’s considered. Recent advancements in technology have made it possible to produce nearly colorless Moissanite, further closing the gap between it and diamonds.

4. Clarity

Clarity refers to the presence (or absence) of blemishes and inclusions in the stone. When we talk about “clarity grading,” we typically refer to diamonds or other natural gemstones. Diamonds are graded based on the presence of inclusions and blemishes that impact their clarity.

However, since moissanite is lab-created, it generally does not have the same kinds of inclusions as diamonds. Most moissanites are sold virtually inclusion-free. Still, for clarity’s sake, here’s a breakdown of how clarity is generally discussed:

  • Flawless (FL): No inclusions or blemishes visible under 10x magnification.
  • Internally Flawless (IF): No inclusions visible under 10x magnification, but there might be some blemishes.
  • Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2): Tiny inclusions that are difficult for even a trained eye to see under 10x magnification.
  • Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2): Minor inclusions that are not typically visible to the naked eye and are seen with effort under 10x magnification.
  • Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2): Inclusions that might be visible to the naked eye for a trained observer, especially if the diamond is of a larger size.
  • Included (I1, I2, and I3): Inclusions and/or blemishes visible to the naked eye.

Given that moissanite is created in controlled environments, the majority of these stones would rank highly on the diamond clarity scale (often in the VVS to Flawless range). However, it’s important to note that moissanite clarity isn’t usually graded in the same rigorous way diamonds are. Instead, manufacturers and retailers typically guarantee their moissanite to be eye-clean, meaning no visible inclusions or blemishes can be seen without magnification.

If you’re considering purchasing moissanite, it’s essential to buy from a reputable source to ensure the quality of the stone. Furthermore, while clarity is less of a concern with moissanite, it’s still crucial to consider the color, cut, and carat size, as these can significantly impact the gem’s appearance and value.

How to Care for VVS Moissanite?

Ensuring your VVS Moissanite retains its sparkle is simple. Gently cleanse it using a soft brush with mild soapy water. Once cleaned, rinse and gently dry with a lint-free cloth. Despite its hardness, it’s essential to shield moissanite from harsh chemicals, drastic temperature changes, and direct impacts.


As we navigate a world placing increasing importance on sustainable choices, VVS Moissanite emerges as a conscientious, cost-effective, and visually enchanting alternative to conventional gemstones. Its unparalleled brilliance, paired with its resilience, makes it an ideal choice for a variety of jewelry, from engagement rings to earrings.

Whether you’re an established gem aficionado or on the hunt for the perfect stone for a momentous occasion, VVS Moissanite offers an amalgamation of beauty and value difficult to overshadow.

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Ring Size Guide

ring size guide
ring size guide

This is a chart that will be extremely helpful for you to determine the ring size that you need. You can either make use of a tape or a small piece of string to measure the area that will be occupied by the ring. When it becomes a complete circle, make a mark on such string. This will be helpful for you to compare with the chart that is mentioned below.

Inside Dia. Inside Circ. Size
14.1 44.2 3 F 44 4.25
14.5 45.5 3.5 G 45.5 5.5
14.9 46.8 4 H 47 6.75
15.3 48 4.5 I 48 8
15.7 49.3 5 J-1/2 50 9.25
16.1 50.6 5.5 K-1/2 51 10.5
16.5 51.9 6 L-1/2 52 11.75
16.9 53.1 6.5 M-1/2 53 13.25
17.3 54.4 7 N-1/2 54 14.5
17.7 55.7 7.5 O-1/2 56 15.75
18.1 57 8 P-1/2 57 17
18.5 58.3 8.5 Q-1/2 58 18.25
19 59.5 9 R-1/2 60 19.5
19.4 60.8 9.5 S-1/2 61 20.75
19.8 62.1 10 T-1/2 62 22
20.2 63.4 10.5 U-1/2 63 23.25
20.6 64.6 11 V-1/2 64 24.75
21 65.9 11.5 W-1/2 66 26
21.4 67.2 12 X-1/2 67 27.25
21.8 68.5 12.5 Z 68 28.5
22.2 69.7 13 Z+1 70 29.75
22.6 71 13.5 Z+1.5 71 31
23 72.3 14 Z+2 72 32.25
23.4 73.5 14.5 Z+2.5 73.5 33.5
23.8 74.8 15 Z+3 75 34.75

Other Tips

1) Measure your finger in warm temperatures at the end of the day.

2) If your knuckle is a lot larger than the base of your finger, measure both the base of your finger and your knuckle and select a size between the two.

3) When considering a wide band, move up a size from your measurement, for comfort’s sake.